
Rural Road

Preview of Rural Road Battlemap

A winding forest path cuts through the heart of the hinterlands. The air carries the symphony of nature’s chorus, a harmonious blend of rustling leaves, chirping birds, and the occasional sound of creatures in the underbrush. What lies along the path?

Free and Full Versions

— 70, 100, & 140 ppi —

Pack Includes:
40×30 — Gridded & Non-Gridded — Nighttime and Winter Versions of Each

  • Base – Description 1
  • Camp – A campsite set up just off the beaten path
  • Ambush – Trees block the path, what lies in wait?
  • Winter – Winter versions of all the other variants Description 4
Rural Road Battlemap Variants

Rural Sawmil

Preview of Rural Sawmill Battlemap
Preview of Rural Sawmill with Roof Battlemap

Nestled within the timber, a rustic sawmill juts from the forest into the swift current of river. Harnessing the raw power of the flow, saws turn and boards are cut as the air fills with the scent of pine. A well worn and well used workshop.

Free and Full Versions

— 70, 100, & 140 ppi —

Pack Includes:
40×40 — Gridded & Non-Gridded

  • Base – A small sawmill sits along the rivers edge, powered by the current.
  • Dusk – The golden glow of sunset beckons the end of the day’s work
  • Winter – Winter versions of all the other variants